Founder and History
Nick Barry - Founder & CEO American Heroes Support Centers
About our Founder

Meet Nick with Buddy
(In Honor of Buddy, December 2018, RIP)
Meet Nick
A former member of the military, Nick is first and foremost a veteran who proudly served his nation. He holds tremendous respect for those individuals who have and currently defend our nation’s safety, and our way of life. As an innovative entrepreneur and business leader, Nick’s career spans decades where he gained a reputation for quickly, efficiently, and flawlessly taking an idea from inception through successful culmination.
Over the Years (How it all Started)
Nick observed that the token statement “thank you for your service” offered little more than an empty phrase to the American Heroes it was being spoken to. (i.e. Fireman, EMT, EMS, Police Officers, Veterans, and Active Duty Military ). What’s more, while the people thanking these heroes had great intentions, they simply did not realize this empty phrase could cause more harm than good. Unfortunately, most Americans have very little understanding of the sacrifices heroes make on a daily basis.
After some research, Nick came to the conclusion that “thank you for your service” was as empty to a service member, veteran, or first responder as “have a nice day.” It was more of an automatic response, rather than a heartfelt statement with any meaning or sentiment. For the public to better understand and support our heroes, they needed to see pictures that “are worth a thousand words”
Some years later, Nick observed that all first responders were being recognized and celebrated by saying “thank you for your service.”
That was the ‘eureka’ moment!
Nick recognized the opportunity and need to connect Community and all their heroes together in a single gathering place. He hit the ground running and set out to fulfill his mission.
And so with this, American Heroes Support Centers was born!